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Can I Have Chickens in My Backyard in Connecticut?

red and white trimmed large a frame coop with white metal roof

With egg prices on the rise, many people are looking for a more affordable way to get their daily protein. Raising backyard chickens is a rewarding option that not only saves money but also provides fresh, home-raised eggs.

If you’re considering this, your first question is likely: “Can I have chickens in my backyard in Connecticut?”

In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about backyard chicken regulations in your area—helping you take the first step toward enjoying fresh eggs from your own backyard.

Is it Legal to Have Chickens in your Backyard in Connecticut?

chickens eating in front of coop

It’s hard to provide the answer to this question at the state level as there are no statewide regulations regarding having chickens in your backyard. However, Connecticut is a largely chicken-friendly state with many cities or towns permitting them. Some areas also strictly prohibit them. It’s best to keep reading to find out if your city or town allows backyard chickens. 

Do You Need A Permit To Have Chickens in CT?

yellow and white trimmed coop with blue metal roof and cupola

Yes, many areas require a zoning permit or a backyard chicken permit to keep chickens. However, some towns don’t require a permit but still enforce rules on flock size, coop placement, and property setbacks.

Permits are most commonly required in residential zones, while properties in agricultural zones typically have fewer restrictions. Check with your local zoning office to confirm the rules in your area.

How Many Chickens Can You Have in Connecticut?

black and white feathered chickens

The number of chickens you can have depends on your city or town. Most areas allow between 4 to 12 chickens, though some permit more. In general, the larger your property, the more chickens you can keep. Check your local zoning laws for specific limits.

Chicken Laws By County in CT

white and tan trimmed chicken coop with three large front windows and chickens grazing in grass in front

Below, we’ve compiled a list of all the counties in Connecticut and whether or not they permit backyard chickens. All counties in Connecticut appear to let city and town governments regulate the keeping of backyard chickens. You can click here to skip this list and check out the regulations in your city/town. 

Fairfield CountyFairfield Region
Hartford CountyHartford County
Litchfield CountyLitchfield Region
Middlesex CountyMiddlesex Region
New Haven CountyNew Haven Region
New London CountyNew London County
Tolland CountyTolland County
Windham CountyWindham County

Are Backyard Chickens Allowed in Fairfield County, Connecticut?

Fairfield County does not appear to have any regulations at the county level stating whether or not you can keep chickens in your backyard. The county is home to many major metropolitan areas within the state, including Bridgeport, Danbury, Easton, Greenwich, Norwalk, and Stamford. Keep reading to find out if they are allowed in your area. 

Are Backyard Chickens Allowed in Hartford County, Connecticut?

Regulations for backyard chickens in Hartford County are enforced at the city or town level. Hartford County is comprised of the city of the same name as well as East Hartford, West Hartford, New Britain, and Manchester. Below, we cover the backyard chicken-keeping regulations of those cities, so keep reading to find out what is allowed in your area. 

Does Litchfield County, Connecticut, Allow Backyard Chickens?

As a smaller state, Connecticut doesn’t appear to regulate much at the county level. This is no different in Litchfield county, where regulations appear to be enforced by the city and town governments. Below, we’ll cover some cities in the county and whether or not they permit backyard chickens. 

Does Middlesex County, Connecticut, Allow Backyard Chickens?

Backyard chicken-keeping laws are not regulated at the county level. Please check with your local city or town planning department to find out what they allow. Keep reading to find out if Middletown, Essex, or Haddam, CT, permits them. 

Can I Have Chickens in My Backyard in New Haven County, CT?

The county does not enforce any backyard chicken-keeping regulations. However, the city of New Haven and other cities/towns within the county do enforce regulations for keeping chickens in your backyard. Contact your local planning department or keep reading to find out if your city or town allows them. 

Can I Have Chickens in My Backyard in New London County, CT?

There are no rules as to whether or not you can keep chickens in your backyard in New London County, Connecticut. However, the city of New London and other cities/towns within the county enforce backyard chicken laws. Be sure to reach out to your local planning department or keep reading to find out if they’re permitted in your area. 

Can You Have Chickens In Your Backyard in Tolland County, CT?

If you live within an unincorporated area of the county, you can likely have backyard chickens as there are no regulations one way or the other as to whether you can keep them. However, cities and towns within the county have their regulations. If you are in their jurisdiction, be sure to check with your local planning department to find out if they allow backyard chickens. Below, you’ll find a few cities and towns in Tolland County and what their backyard chicken laws are. 

Can You Have Chickens In Your Backyard in Windham County, CT?

Like all other counties in the state, Windham County doesn’t enforce any rules for keeping backyard chickens at the county level. For unincorporated areas, this means there is lots of freedom for keeping chickens in your backyard. On the other hand, city and town governments do enforce backyard chicken laws. Contact your city or town planning department or keep reading to find out if they’re allowed in your area in Windham County. 

Chicken Laws By City in CT

wooden chicken coop with red metal roof in Connecticut

Connecticut leaves backyard chicken laws up to cities and towns within its 8 counties. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the major cities and towns in each county and their backyard chicken-keeping laws. If your city or town is not listed below. Please be sure to contact your local planning, zoning, or other relevant department to find out if they permit you to keep chickens in your backyard. 

BridgeportBridgeport Zoning Department
Bridgeport Health Department
StamfordStamford Land Use Bureau
New HavenNew Haven City Plan Department
HartfordHartford Development Services
Hartford Health & Human Services
WaterburyWaterbury City Planning Department
NorwalkNorwalk Planning & Zoning Department
DanburyDanbury Planning & Zoning Department
New BritainNew Britain Planning & Zoning Department
West HartfordWest Hartford Planning & Zoning Department
GreenwichGreenwich Planning & Zoning Department
BristolBristol Economic & Community Development Department
MeridenMeriden Planning & Zoning Department
HamdenHamden Planning & Zoning Department
ManchesterManchester Planning & Economic Development Department
West HavenWest Haven Planning & Development Department
MilfordMilford City Clerk
Milford Planning & Zoning Office
Milford Permitting & Land Use
StratfordStratford Office of Planning & Zoning
East HartfordEast Hartford Health Department
East Hartford Development & Planning Department
MiddletownMiddletown Health Department
EssexEssex Land Use Department
HaddamHaddam Land Use Department
New LondonNew London Planning & Zoning Department
WaterfordWaterford Planning & Development Department
WindhamWindham Code Enforcement & Zoning Office
TollandTolland Planning & Zoning Department
KillinglyKillingly Planning & Development Department
WillingtonWillington Land Use Department
EllingtonEllington Planning Department

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Bridgeport, CT?

According to their animal control regulations, chickens are allowed so long as the proper permits are obtained from the board of health. The specific regulations for keeping them are unclear. You can contact the Bridgeport Zoning Department to determine if chickens are permitted on residentially zoned properties and if there are any chicken coop placement requirements. If you have any questions about the number of chickens allowed or other permitting requirements, contact the Bridgeport Department of Health

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Stamford, CT?

Yes, poultry is permitted to be kept in the city, but they must be kept in a chicken coop or other enclosed structure and are not permitted to run at large. Additionally, roosters are not permitted to be kept if their crowing proves to be a nuisance. Your chicken coop must be 50 feet away from any dwelling or apartment. It must be kept clean and sanitary. 

For additional information on the number of chickens and permitting requirements, contact the Stamford Land Use Bureau.

Can You Have Chickens in New Haven, CT?

It appears that the city permits up to 6 hens to be kept in one’s backyard. Roosters appear to be prohibited. Outside of this information, the requirements for keeping backyard chickens in New Haven are unclear. You can contact the New Haven City Plan Department to find out about permitting, coop placement, and other regulations. 

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Hartford, CT?

Yes, you can keep chickens in your backyard as long as they are not considered a public health risk or a nuisance to the neighborhood by the Director of Health. The Department of Health & Human Services does not actively enforce penalties against backyard chickens, but if a neighbor files a complaint, you will be required to remove them. To avoid issues, it’s best to either refrain from keeping chickens or get your neighbors’ approval beforehand to ensure they won’t object.

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Waterbury, CT?

Yes, chickens are permitted in the backyard of residential properties with the proper zoning permit. The city of Waterbury allows no more than 25 fowl to be kept on any parcel, and roosters are strictly prohibited. Your chickens must be kept in an enclosed structure or coop that’s setback from every adjacent lot line by at least 50 feet. 

For more information on obtaining a zoning permit or requirements for keeping chickens in your backyard in Waterbury, contact the Waterbury City Planning Department

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Norwalk, CT?

Yes, you can, provided that you adhere to the following requirements:

If you have any questions about these requirements or permitting, contact Norwalk’s Planning & Zoning Department

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Danbury, CT?

No, the city of Danbury currently does not allow backyard chickens. There is currently a petition for the Planning & Zoning Department to permit them to be kept. If you would like to see this petition go through, contact the Planning & Zoning Department to express your support. 

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in New Britain, CT?

It appears that the Borough of New Britain permits up to 10 adult hens and prohibits roosters on residential properties. What this means for the city of New Britain is unclear. Please contact the Planning & Zoning Department to find out what they allow. 

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in West Hartford, CT?

No, chickens are not permitted to be kept on residential properties in West Hartford. Please contact the Planning & Zoning Department if you would like to voice your opinion about this zoning ordinance. 

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Greenwich, CT?

In 2022, it appears that Greenwich was considering passing legislation that permits you to have chickens in your backyard so long as they are kept in a coop that adheres to a 50-foot setback. If this was officially passed into law. The Health Department would be responsible for the maintaining of your chicken coop. It’s best to contact them or the Planning & Zoning Department to determine if backyard chickens are allowed on residential properties. 

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Bristol, CT?

Yes, you may, so long as you keep no more than 12 and are not keeping them to operate a commercial business, in which different requirements would apply.  A zoning permit will be required. Setback requirements for chicken coops or enclosures are unclear. Please contact the Bristol Economic & Community Development Department if you have any questions about them. 

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Meriden, CT?

Yes, you can keep chickens if the proper zoning permit is obtained from the Planning Office and that use is permitted in your zoning district. To find out if chickens are permitted in your district and what the requirements for keeping them are, contact the Planning & Zoning Department

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Hamden, CT?

Yes, they even outline all their specific requirements for keeping them in a packet with their zoning permit application for raising hens. The rules for keeping chickens on your property in Hamden, CT, are as follows:

These are only the requirements that answer some of the most frequently asked questions about keeping chickens in your backyard. For a more in-depth look at the permit requirements or to obtain a chicken keeping permit, contact the Hamden Planning & Zoning Department.

Can I Have Chickens in Manchester, CT?

Yes, you can have up to 12 hens on a single-family residential property so long as:

Can You Have Chickens in West Haven, CT?

Yes, West Haven has a keeping of hens application that must be filled out to have chickens. This application stipulates that you meet the following requirements:

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Milford, CT?

Yes, you can have chickens in Milford, Connecticut, provided:

Other requirements must be followed, including filling out and submitting an application to the city clerk and obtaining the necessary permit. You can learn more about keeping backyard chickens with the help of the Milford Planning & Zoning Office

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Stratford, CT?

Yes, you can keep chickens on properties that are at least 5,000 square feet. You are allowed up to 12 chickens for every 5,000 square feet of land.

Chicken coops or shelters must be at least 100 feet from any property line. A special permit is required to keep chickens.

For more information on the requirements and application process, please contact the Office of Planning & Zoning.

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in East Hartford, CT?

Yes, you can have chickens in your backyard in East Hartford, CT. Backyard hens are permitted in the city provided that:

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Middletown, CT?

Yes, poultry may be kept in your backyard in Middletown, CT, under their livestock ordinance that states:

As for how many chickens you can have or permitting requirements, this is unclear. Contact the Middletown Department of Health for clarity on these requirements as they are responsible for permitting. 

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Essex, CT?

Yes, backyard chickens are allowed in certain zoning districts in Essex, CT.

For details on permits, the number of chickens allowed, and any other requirements, please contact the Essex Land Use Department.

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Haddam, CT?

Yes, permitted uses in residential zones R-1, R-2, and R-2A include poultry raising. However, the specifics, including the number of chickens, coop requirements, and other important information about keeping backyard chickens, are unclear. Please reach out to the Haddam Land Use Department for these details. 

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in New London, CT?

Yes, you may keep chickens on your property. You can have up to 6 chickens in R-1, R-1A, and R-2 zoning districts. They may only be kept for noncommercial purposes. Hens must be kept in an enclosure that is:

Roosters are strictly prohibited. For any inquiries about permitting or other requirements, contact the New London Land Use Department

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Waterford, CT?

Waterford allows chickens to be kept as an accessory use on single-family residential properties. To obtain a poultry-keeping permit, you must meet the following requirements:

For any questions, please contact the Waterford Planning & Zoning Department.

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Windham, CT?

The status of backyard hens in Windham, CT, is unclear. In 2017, proposed legislation aimed to allow hens under specific conditions, but it’s not certain whether it was officially passed. To confirm if this law is in effect, contact the Windham Code Enforcement & Zoning Department.

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Tolland, CT?

In 2021, legislation was proposed allowing backyard chickens in Tolland. Here are the key regulations:

Although the Tolland Planning Department website states that these regulations are in effect, they do not appear in the town’s online code. For confirmation and further details, contact the Tolland Planning & Zoning Department.

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Killingly, CT?

Backyard chickens are allowed in Killingly, CT, but there are some restrictions. These include:

If you have any questions or are ready to obtain a permit, please contact the Killingly Planning & Development Department

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Willington, CT?

Yes, you can keep chickens in your backyard in Willington, CT, as long as you follow these rules:

Additional regulations may apply. For more details, contact the Willington Land Use Department.

Can You Have Chickens in Your Backyard in Ellington, CT?

Yes, you can keep backyard poultry in Ellington, CT, but you must follow these requirements:

There are additional regulations, but these are the most commonly asked about. For more details on permitting, waste management, coop cleanliness, placement, and other requirements, contact the Ellington Planning Department.

Other FAQs About Keeping Chickens in Connecticut

chickens on roosting bars

Can I Let My Chickens Free Range in My Backyard?

In most cases, no. Many cities and towns in Connecticut have strict rules that prohibit chickens from roaming freely in backyards. They must be kept in a coop or a fenced enclosure at all times.

Some areas may allow free-range chickens, but only if you supervise them and ensure they stay on your property. However, even in these cases, chickens must be secured in an enclosure at night or whenever they are not under your direct supervision.

Are Chickens Considered Livestock in Connecticut?

Yes, in Connecticut, chickens are generally considered livestock under state agricultural regulations. The Connecticut Department of Agriculture classifies poultry, including chickens, as livestock because they are domesticated animals raised for food, eggs, or other agricultural purposes.

However, local zoning laws may distinguish between livestock and pets, depending on the town’s ordinances. Some municipalities regulate chickens separately from larger livestock like cows and pigs, especially when it comes to backyard flocks in residential areas. If you’re unsure, it’s best to check with your local zoning or animal control office for specific rules in your town.

How Many Acres Do You Need For Chickens in CT?

The land requirement for keeping chickens depends on your location. Some areas allow chickens on as little as 0.25 acres or a few thousand square feet, while others require at least an acre or more. Check your local zoning laws to find out the specific requirements in your area.

Do You Have to Shut Chickens Away At Night?

Yes, most areas require chickens to be kept in an enclosure at night to prevent them from wandering off while you’re asleep. This also protects them from predators and harsh weather conditions.

In Need Of A Custom Chicken Coop?

As you’ve learned, many cities and towns in Connecticut have specific requirements regarding chicken coops and attached runs. The Hen House Collection provides a range of chicken coops in multiple sizes with proper ventilation features, cleaning options, and predator-proof doors to make sure that your coop complies with your local regulations. 

If you live in an area with unique requirements or have an HOA that enforces strict color and material standards, we can help create a custom coop that matches these needs. 

Ready to start raising your chickens? We’re committed to making the journey easy. That’s why we offer a multitude of resources for first-time backyard chicken owners. From which breed will provide you with the most farm fresh eggs to tips for keeping your chickens safe year-round, we’ve got you covered. 

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