Jason’s Chicken Coop Story

5×8 Quaker Chicken Coop in Michigan
Jason and his family wanted backyard chickens for many years. His wife, Cynthia, grew up on a farm and was more experienced with farm work. Jason, being a nurse, appreciated the great nutrition found in high-quality eggs.
They started with four chickens and soon realized how much fun they were, and what a learning experience this was for their children as well.
Jason and Cynthia started with a small coop from Tractor Supply that was given to them. Things were going well until predators began getting their free-range chickens! Two of their chickens were taken by coyotes, and they were faced with a decision. Either give up their backyard chickens or get a coop with an enclosed run that would protect them.
After doing much research looking for a new coop, searching for the best quality in the price range they could manage, they found a style that they liked, the Amish-built, Quaker-style coop.
Q & A with Jason and Cynthia
Tell me about your first interaction with The Hen House Collection or our dealers (Website, phone call, visit to the office, etc.)
“After many hours of research, we landed on the Hen House Collection via the Bird-in-Hand website. We liked how the coops could be built to our specifications and choices. It felt like we had so many wonderful options!“
What features and options did you add?
“We chose the 5×8 coop size with cedar-stained board and batten and forest green shingles. We added an extra window, cleaning trays, and an epoxy floor. We also added an advanced automatic chicken door, which has been so nice!”
“The run you see in the pictures is an 8×8-foot chicken pen from another company, but they work well together.“
“Our chickens transitioned perfectly to the new coop. Of course, they insist on laying their eggs in the same box.”
We liked how the coops could be built to our specifications and choices. It felt like we had so many wonderful options!
Jason’s Chicken Coop Gallery
Tell your Story
We want to thank Jason for taking the time to help us share his story and also for leaving a review on his experience with The Hen House Collection.
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