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Chicken Coops For Sale in Raleigh NC

red and white trimmed combination chicken coops for sale in Raleigh NC with an outdoor run

Thinking about starting your own backyard flock of chickens? It’s a rewarding experience with many benefits! If you need a chicken coop for your new feathered friends, look no further. The Hen House Collection offers high-quality coops that will enhance your backyard. Discover our wide selection of chicken coops for sale in Raleigh NC, and customize your coop to your preferences, choosing from various sizes, styles, colors, and features!

Are you searching for high-quality chicken coops for sale in Raleigh NC, but having trouble finding the right one? We’re here to help! Despite being based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, The Hen House Collection has delivered many coops to North Carolina and is ready to meet your needs. Contact us with your coop request, and we’ll be delighted to assist you in getting the perfect coop for your flock.

Styles of Chicken Coops For Sale in Raleigh NC

The Combination Coop

white combination chicken coops for sale in Raleigh NC with black trim

Our best-selling Combination Chicken Coops for sale in Raleigh NC include an attached run, offering plenty of space for your hens to roam and stretch their wings.

The Quaker Coop

dark tan quaker coop with green trim and roof two windows in front and an egg collection basket

Check out our Quaker Chicken Coops for sale in Raleigh NC, designed with a slight overhang on the roof. This pre-built coop comes fully equipped with all the features you want!

The Tractor Coop

red and white trimmed tractor coop with shingle roof and outdoor run

If you’re looking for a portable coop that’s easy to move, our Tractor Chicken Coops for sale in Raleigh NC are the perfect choice, especially for small flocks of hens.

The A-Frame Coop

gray A frame coop with white trim and a shingle roof

Our A-Frame Chicken Coops for sale in Raleigh NC are an excellent choice for a simple, compact design for small flocks!

The Dutch Coop

wooden dutch chicken coops for sale in Raleigh NC

If you’re fond of barn-style roofs, consider our Dutch Chicken Coops for sale in Raleigh NC. They offer plenty of interior space to meet all your needs.

The Lean-to Coop

white lean to coop with tan trim three windows and an egg collection

Check out our new modern Lean-to chicken coops for sale in Raleigh NC! This coop is an excellent option for your backyard, fitting snugly against a wall.

Regulations for Chicken Coops For Sale in Raleigh NC

When considering chicken coops for your backyard in Raleigh, NC, it’s essential to understand the local regulations. According to Raleigh’s urban farming guidelines, specific rules must be followed to ensure the safety and well-being of your chickens.

Safety and Health Standards

Maintaining the health and safety of your chickens is crucial. Regularly monitor them for signs of stress, injury, or illness. Implement a routine vaccination schedule and parasite control program to help prevent common poultry diseases and ensure your flock remains healthy. Be sure to provide ample space for your chickens to roam freely and engage in natural behaviors, which are vital for their overall well-being and immune health.


Zoning laws in Raleigh play a significant role in determining where chickens can be kept. Depending on the zoning category of your property, there may be restrictions on keeping chickens in residential areas. Some zones may allow backyard chickens, while others may have limitations or prohibitions.

Before setting up a chicken coop, you must check with local authorities to understand the specific zoning regulations for your property. Ensuring compliance with these rules will help you avoid potential issues and create a safe environment for your chickens.

For detailed information on how to raise chickens in your Raleigh backyard, contact your local authorities and explore all the city’s urban farming requirements.

Chicken Coop Stories

Interested in hearing from some of our customers about their experience with a chicken coop from The Hen House Collection? Here’s what Joe has to say about how having a backyard chicken coop improved his life.

red and white trimmed combination coop with outdoor run with chickens inside

Chicken Coops for Sale in Raleigh NC: Commonly Asked Questions

What breed of chickens are best suited for backyard environments?

Consider adding a variety of chicken breeds to your flock. Popular options include Rhode Island Reds, Silkies, Sussex, Orpingtons, Brahmas, and more. For further insights on which breeds might best suit you, visit our blog post on the Friendliest Chicken Breeds.

How do I protect my chickens from predators?

Many chicken owners struggle to protect their birds from predators. A common issue is that coops often lack durability, especially in areas where creatures like raccoons, coyotes, foxes, weasels, or neighborhood dogs are common. Our chicken coops for sale in Raleigh NC, are constructed with solid materials and features designed to keep predators out.

In places like North Carolina, these predators can easily breach coops made with flimsy wire and weak wood. If you know these animals are in your area, it’s wise to avoid using chicken wire and instead choose more robust materials for your coop. Ensure your coop doors have sturdy latches and securely seal the windows to deter predators effectively.

What should I feed my chickens, and how much?

Once you’ve chosen the perfect chicken coop for sale in Raleigh NC, knowing how to care for your hens is essential. In addition to their regular layer feed, chickens enjoy eating nutritious greens like lettuce, kale, and turnip greens. They also appreciate treats like watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries, but be cautious not to overfeed them.

On average, a laying hen consumes about a quarter pound of feed daily, totaling around a pound and a half weekly. However, this amount can vary depending on the size or breed of your chickens.

Other Cities We Serve in North Carolina


tan wooden chicken coops for sale in Charlotte NC

If you’re in the Charlotte area and looking for a new chicken coop for your feathered friends, check out our selection to find the perfect fit!


tan and red trimmed chicken coops fro sale in Greensboro NC with an outdoor run

If you’re in Greensboro and need a new coop, you’re in luck! We’ve got exactly what you’re looking for. Select the coop that meets your needs and customize it to fit your flock perfectly.

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